Fostering the Urban food System transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation


The core ambition of FUSILLI is to overcome barriers for developing and implementing integrated, systemic food policies that support the transition towards sustainable food systems in urban, peri-urban and nearby rural areas. To achieve this goal, FUSILLI puts 12 cities in a knowledge sharing and learning network to address the challenges of the food system transformation: San Sebastian (Spain), Nilufer-Bursa (Turkey), Oslo (Norway), Kolding (Denmark), Torino (Italy), Castelo Branco (Portugal), Differdange (Luxemburg), Rijeka (Croatia), Kharkiv (Ukraine), Tampere (Finland), Athens (Greece) and Rome (Italy). These cities will integrate food as a part of their urban-rural agenda and identify and create opportunities to transform food systems into sustainable, healthy and inclusive systems. Via an open knowledge community, cities will be empowered to implement innovative and personalized policies and actions, placing citizens in the heart of the process.

European partners

Fundacion Cartif (ES), De Surdurulebilir Enerji Ve Insaat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi (TR), Stichting VU (NL), Oslomet – Storbyuniversitetet (NO), Izmir Demokrasi Unversitesi (TR), Steinbeis Innovation Ggmbh (DE), Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion (ES), Syddansk Universitet (DK), Universidad De Valladolid (ES), Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (FI), V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (UA), Wings ICT solutions information & communication technologies ike (EL), Civiesco SRL (IT), Tecnoalimenti S.C.P.A. (IT), Fomento De San Sebastian SA (ES), Nilufer Belediye Baskanligi (TR), Oslo Kommune (NO), Kolding Kommune (DK), Comune di Torino (IT), Kharkiv City Council (UA), Differdange (LU), Tampereen Kaupunki (FI), Grad Rijeka (HR), Municipio de Castelo Branco (PT), Dimos Athinaion (EL), Roma Capitale (IT), Eroski S. COOP. (ES), Territoire Naturel Transfrontalier de la Chiers et de l’Alzette (LU), Fondazione della Comunita di Mirafiori ONLUS (IT), EcoFellows Ltd. (FI), Ahlmanin koulun säätiö (FI), Dimos Athinaion Epicheirisi Michanografisis (EL).

The project in Torino

The City of Torino as part of the project Fusilli will be responsible, through its own third parties (UNITO, UNISG, ORTI GENERALI) and in collaboration with the partner Torino Foundation Community of Mirafiori, the realization of the “Food Innovation Living Lab” of Torino, which will include:

  • policy and cross-cutting activities;
  • demonstration activities in the field.

Cross-cutting activities shall include:

  • strengthening the “Torino Città del Cibo” policy by implementing coherent and integrated policies and initiatives in the following areas: environmental sustainability;
  • support for economic development;
  • awareness raising on nutrition and health; participation of citizens in food culture. All in coherence with the territorial strategy and the actors of the Atlas of food;
  • drafting and publication of “Annual Food Report”, c.d. Food policy report: tool to know the current state of the food system and monitor food policies;
  • creation of a “Food Council”, intended as a form of multisectoral coordination dedicated to the promotion of the quality food system in all its dimensions and aimed at promoting concrete regulatory, communication or experimentation actions in certain key areas;
  • activation of awareness-raising campaigns involving local key actors such as “Slow Food” and “Coldiretti”; promotion of participation and organisation of workshops with moments of sharing to raise awareness among the population to show the link between food quality; healthy eating and public health.

Practical steps

Instead, the main demonstration activities of the “Food Policy Living Lab” in Torino will be articulated in the following areas of intervention:

  • Food Lab: Support to the testing of circular business models for the production/processing of food for local trade, including bars, restaurants, local associations that manage collective catering functions and local markets. The business support action will include demonstration actions and dissemination and communication activities (eg. promotion of local food products of the brand type “Mirafiori Food”;
    collective storytelling actions on food multiculturality, etc.). in the area of Mirafiori Sud; later, a widespread action will be defined to support eco-innovative and circular entrepreneurship in the Food sector on a city scale;
  • Food Hub: Study and experimentation of a widespread pole for the collection and redistribution of unsold edible food for social/community purposes able to operate between the urban and peri-urban areas of Torino.
    For the implementation of this action, the following activities shall be carried out, for example:
    analysis of the logistic and redistribution system for the meeting between supply and demand of unsold edible food, including the mapping of actors/spaces/projects in the areas involved;
  • identification of modes of transport of food and redistribution/management with possible introduction of new hubs;
  • identification/equipping of a dedicated common space to allow food preservation and longer shelf-life;
  • design and implementation of a capillary food collection;
  • possible development/use/adaptation of digital tools (including existing ones) for service management and communication to citizens.This activity will be promoted in the area of Mirafiori Sud, building, integrating and evolving the many ongoing experiences on this and other urban territories and will be modeled to allow the transfer to other areas of Torino. Additional key local actors, including the CAAT and the Food Bank, may also be involved on the basis of the recent “Collaboration Protocol” signed with the two entities for the development of on-site processing of unsold food at a fixed headquarters in the metropolitan area of Torino.
  • Food Policy Training. The Torino living lab will pay strong attention to the issues of training and dissemination activities, to trigger a process of awareness and growth, to support even the weakest categories. In particular, they will be included;
  • training actions on biodiversity and pollinating insects addressed to schools and citizens in order to promote both natural biodiversity (pollinators and native wild herbs) and biodiversity in crops with the rediscovery of indigenous crops;
  • therapeutic training in horticulture for disadvantaged groups and/or at school;
  • Food Tech Testing. Testing activities will also be promoted in collaboration with companies according to the “Torino City Lab” model of above-ground farming techniques and Tech for Food.


  • Total budget of the project: € 12.796.056,50
  • Contribution to the City of Torino: € 556.875,00 (funded 100% by European Union)
  • Living labs: 12
  • Partners: 34 
  • 2 partners in Torino
  • 3 linked third parties in Torino

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101000717.


UE contribution to the City of Torino




Project duration in months