Better rights in better civic space. Understanding, developing and networking civic spaces for a better protection of rights

B.RIGHT SPACES aims to improve the collective capacity of local public authorities and civil society organisations to support, promote and protect local civic spaces, key points that can safeguard citizens’ values and rights, with reference to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. To achieve these objectives, the project will – observe and analyse the conditions that enhance civic spaces – develop a process of exchange and mutual learning by comparing partners’ experiences and practices – improve the capacity of civic spaces to engage broader parts of citizens – develop policy recommendations to generate local ecosystems that promote and protect civic spaces.

European partners

Réseau Européen des Villes et Régions de l’Economie Sociale – REVES AISBL (BE), Generalitat de Cataluna (ES), XES – Rete dell’Economia Solidale di Cataluna (ES), Camara Municipal de Torres Vedras (PT), Red Social de Torres Vedras (PT), FISE Foundation (PL), PARSEC Consortium, Roma (IT), CSV Lazio (IT), Vrije Universitet Brussels (Belgium). Supporter : Metropolitan City of Rome

The project in Torino

The City of Turin is strongly committed to innovating and implementing the actions included in the already approved Gender Equality Plan (GEP) and creating a Gender Budget, applying equal opportunity principles both inside and outside the Administration, addressing the phenomenon of discrimination by removing obstacles that, in fact, prevent the achievement of gender quality. In particular, the focus of the project is on the promotion of gender equality in leadership and decision-making, recruitment and career progression, organizational well-being, gender-based violence and disclosure on equal opportunity, participation in working groups, and gender mainstreaming in development activities and city policies. In order to make the Gender Equality Plan and Gender Balance a truly operational and effective plan, it is necessary to activate a path of structural change, to deepen the applications of gender policies in different areas, to build synergies so that the cross-sectional and intersectional dimensions of discrimination are highlighted, as well as to promote a path of shared planning with stakeholders who deal with this issue in various capacities.

Practical steps

Local participatory processes in the form of policy workshops will be initiated and moderated, bringing together stakeholders (institutions, civil society organisations, NGOs, education and research agencies, citizens, etc.) in order to reflect on the factors that enable or inhibit the development and maintenance of vibrant civic spaces. In this collective evaluation exercise, participants will identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with each civic space. The objective is to adapt local conditions to create a favourable ecosystem for civic spaces. Various methods such as workshops and focus groups will facilitate inclusive exchange and mutual learning.


  • EU Contribution to the City of Torino: € 80.791,00
  • Project duration: 24 months
  • Partners: 10

This project received financial support from the CERV – ‘Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values’ programme under grant agreement No. 101142977.


EU contribution to the city of Torino




Project duration in months